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Privacy Policy
We are dedicated to protecting your privacy. All information that we collect will be held in the strictest confidence and will never be sold, leased, traded, distributed or intentionally disclosed in any way. Our privacy policy explains how we treat information collected on Users of our service and Respondents to surveys created by Users, any of whom may be referred to herein as "you" depending upon the context.
1. General Information
chumpsoft, inc. automatically receives and may record information from your web browser anytime you access our server, via the surveyfactory.com domain or any other domain that uses the SurveyFactory service. "General Information" includes, but is not limited to your IP address, time of visit, the web site you came from, the web page you requested on our server, the type of web browser you are using and any cookie information. This information is used to help us improve our service, judge the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns and determine whether any prohibited activity is occurring or violates our Terms of Service.
Use of Web Browser Cookies
Cookies are small bits of text that a web server can store on a web browser to identify or track that web browser in the future. Both session-based and persistent cookies are used by the SurveyFactory platform. We use these cookies to track how potential Users find our site, maintain Users' login sessions and track which surveys Respondents are in the process of completing or have completed. If a User so chooses, surveys may be configured in such a way that no cookies will be set on Respondents' browsers.
2. User Information
A "User" is a person who uses the SurveyFactory service to create and manage surveys, responses, data sets, templates, language files and other account related data.
Information collected when a User registers for an account
When you register for an SurveyFactory account, we will collect your name, email address, password, security question and security answer. We use the email address to verify registration and along with the password it controls access to your SurveyFactory account. The security question and answer can assist you in the event you lose both your password and access to the email address you registered with. You will also be added to our mailing list if you do not opt out at the time of registration. You may opt out at any time in the future by editing your account information.
Information collected when User purchases a service
When you purchase a service through your SurveyFactory account, we will collect certain billing information, which includes your name, company name, email address, physical address and payment information, such as credit card or banking details. All payment information entered when purchasing a service will be immediately transmitted securely to Stripe, our billing processor. We will maintain records of this information so that we may display invoices, however your full credit card or banking account numbers will never be transmitted to our server or stored in our database. Stripe will handle this information, in compliance with the PCI security standard, for any recurring subscription usage.
Information entered into our service by Users
In addition to the above information that you are required to enter for our Service, you may choose to enter other personally identifiable information about yourself, other users of your account or potential survey respondents. This information is considered the property of you (the User) and will never be intentionally disclosed to any third parties, unless 1) you agree to such disclosure, 2) it is required by law or 3) we believe you have violated our Terms of Service, especially in regards to any spam or content related policies therein.
3. Survey Respondent Information
A "Respondent" or "Survey Respondent" is a person who accesses a survey that has been designed and deployed by a User. SurveyFactory provides a hosted, software-as-a-service platform only. It is our Users who use this hosted platform in order to conduct surveys, email potential participants and analyze results.
General Information provided by Survey Respondent
As mentioned in section 1, certain General Information will be automatically provided to us and recorded anytime a Respondent accesses our web server. This information may also be provided to the User who created the survey.
Information entered by a Survey Respondent
chumpsoft, inc. considers itself a data processor and collects any and all information that a Survey Respondent chooses to provide in a Survey conducted by a User. The User is considered the data controller and owner of Survey Respondent Information.
Information entered by a User
If a User possesses information about a Survey Respondent, it may be entered into our platform in the form of a data set so that the User may email potential Respondents or pre-populate a survey with Respondent information.
Use of Survey Respondent Information by User
Survey Respondents participate in any User survey at their own risk. It is up to the Respondent to check with the User conducting the survey to determine what privacy policy, if any, applies to information entered into a survey hosted on our platform. chumpsoft, inc. does not review or monitor Users' behavior with respect to Survey Respondent Information.
Use of Survey Respondent Information by chumpsoft, inc.
chumpsoft, inc. receives and records General Information sent by Respondent's web browser when accessing our servers and we may use it in a non-personally identifiable form to administer and improve our service. We will never use or disclose any other Survey Respondent Information, except as may be directed by the User in connection with the provision of the Service.
4. Additional Privacy Issues
How we protect your information
We store your information in password protected databases and use Rackspace as our managed web hosting provider. Anytime we request financial information due to purchases, your information will be sent over only secure SSL connections. Although we have taken many precautions to protect your data, no method of Internet transmission and storage is 100% secure, so we cannot guarantee absolute security.
Managing your information
You may edit the name, email address and password associated with your account at any time by logging into the SurveyFactory service and clicking the "Edit Account" link. If you wish to entirely erase your account from our servers, please contact support and ask for a full deletion of your entire account history and data. Please understand that some information, such as payment records, records of your IP address in our web server logs or information contained in backups may never be fully erased.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. If changes are made to this policy, we will notify you via the email address listed in your account. If you do not agree with our privacy policy, you should not use our service. Continued use of our service will constitute acceptance of this policy and any related changes.
Contacting SurveyFactory
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Last Modified
January 7, 2024
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