Help:Survey Title


Enter the title of your survey, which will be used within your account manager to identify this survey and will also usually appear as the title of the survey shown to your respondents (depending on the template). If you have enabled multiple languages for this survey, you will see multiple fields to enter. One for each language you have available. Since this is a required field, in the case of multiple languages, you will have to fill out at least one of the language fields for the Survey Title.

[edit] Multiple Languages

If you have enabled multiple languages for this survey, you will see an input field for each language you have available. Because this is a required field, you will have to fill out at least one of the language fields. Any language which you do not provide a value for will use the highest priority language that has been completed. The languages are listed in order of priority. This allows you to enter the text only once if you desire to have all languages use the same value.