= Included
= Optional
= Not Included
Basic Standard Professional Enterprise
Monthly cost (USD)
$9.95 $24.95 $49.95 $149.95
Number of accepted responses per month
500 2,000 5,000 25,000
Cost per additional accepted response
File Upload Disk Quota
50 MB 250 MB 500 MB 1 GB
Survey Features
Entirely web-based design, publication and analysis interface
Unlimited surveys, pages, questions and answers
Randomize pages and/or questions
Fully customizable templates - design survey for your site!
Enable multiple language support
Enable response scoring
Set a maximum number of accepted responses per survey
Question Types
Multiple Choice: Choose One Answer
Multiple Choice: Choose Multiple Answers
Multiple Choice: Single Answer Menu
Multiple Choice: Multiple Answer Menu
Open Ended: Single Text Field
Open Ended: Text Field List
Matrix: One Answer per Row
Matrix: Many Answers per Row
Matrix: Most Preferred
Matrix: The SUPER Matrix™
Open Ended: Ranking List
Open Ended: Constant Sum
Miscellaneous: File Upload
Miscellaneous: Dates and Times
Content and Presentation: HTML or Text Content
Content and Presentation: Image
Content and Presentation: Page
Content and Presentation: Redirect Respondent
Content and Presentation: Show Response
Question Options
Copy and edit questions from any survey in your plan
Randomize or alphabetize answers
Set default answers for all question types
Require a response to any question
Customize error messages for questions and answers
Customize appearance for questions and answers
Validate open ended text responses to questions
    Minimum and maximum length
    Exact match
    Contains phrase
    Contains keyword(s)
    Matches regular expression
    Matches numerical expression
    [validate] Number
    [validate] Email address
    [validate] Web site link (URL)
Validate responses to additional question types
    Matrix: allow columns to be selected only once
    Dates and Times: before, after or within specific times
    Dates and Times: before, after or within relative times
    Ranking List: allow ranks to be used only once
    Ranking List: enforce a competition ranking strategy
    File Upload: total number of files and size of each
    File Upload: file type extensions
Add a comment text field to many question types
Add multiple answers to a question quickly
Survey Logic and Answer Piping
Conditional display of questions (branching and skipping)
    Conditions based on dates and times
    Conditions based on respondent's language
    Conditions based on respondent's score
    Conditions based on looping
    Conditions based on random true/false
    Conditions based on response to any question
Conditional display of custom completion behavior
Create loops over a group of questions
    Loop a respondent-defined number of times (open ended)
    Loop for each answer chosen by respondent (multiple choice)
    Loop until respondent choses not to (multiple choice)
Answer piping (use results from previous questions)
Populate answers and hide questions using invitations or links
    Pre-fill answers using data set invitations
    Hide specific questions via data set invitations
    Pre-fill answers using web site links (URL query string)
    Hide specific questions via web site links (URL query string)
Publishing Surveys
Publish same survey multiple times in multiple formats
    Publish via web site link (URL)
    Publish via data set invitations
Generate a DHTML popup window with invitation or survey
Customize the web site link (URL) for your survey
Hide selected questions from a specific survey publication
Restrict dates and times that survey is available
Set a time limit to control how long respondents may take
Restrict respondent access to publication
    Password protect your survey
    Deny or grant access based on IP address
    Restrict number of submissions from same browser
    Require or request email address verification
    Pass an image word verification (CAPTCHA)
Restrict respondent movement within survey
    Disable ability for respondent to move backwards
    Enable respondent to jump forward in response
Set a maximum number of accepted responses per publication
Customize survey completion behavior
    Display a message upon completion
    Redirect to survey results upon completion
    Redirect to any web site (URL) upon completion
    Create custom, multi-page completion behavior
Survey Responses and Results
View individual responses
    Respondent's country provided through IP geolocation
    View starting time, duration and last modified time
Decide when to accept a response and charge it to your plan
    Accept response when survey is completed
    Accept response when X number of questions are answered
    Accept response when X percent of questions are answered
    Accept response when specific questions are answered
    Accept response when a specific score has been reached
    Manually accept responses that are incomplete
Allow participants to modify their response after completion
Allow participants to save their progress and return later
    Email participants the link to their saved response progress
Export responses to CSV or HTML table
Filter results and responses based on many criteria
Cross tabulate results between questions
Publish results via web site link (URL)
    Password protect published results
    Hide certain questions and content from published results
    Restrict published results to a single survey publication
Data Sets of Prequalified Respondent Information
Maintain an address book
Add, edit and delete unlimited records for each data set
Create unlimited custom data sets
    Define unlimited columns and specify column type
    Import data sets from Excel spreadsheets
    Import data sets from CSV files
    Create and save advanced filters for records in data set
Generate survey invitations for records in your data sets
Email survey invitations to respondents
    Mail merge address book or data set information
    Resend invitation reminders if not yet responded
    Email invitations in HTML and/or Text format
Pipe data set record details into survey response
Export survey invitations to CSV
Keyword search all records in data set
View all responses and invitations for each record in data set
Customize Appearance Using Templates
Customize all language strings in your survey
Customize Survey Appearance
    Custom HTML headers and footers
    Change fonts, sizes, colors
    Include a page count status or progress indicator
    Include a table of contents
    Hide the "powered by" text
    Custom CSS files
Customize Question Appearance
    Automatic question numbering
    Multiple answer columns
    Date and time input types
    Date selection via popup calendar
Customize DHTML Popup Window Behavior
    Prevent popup window from appearing multiple times
    Display popup window to a percentage of visitors
    Delay the popup window for x seconds after page load
    Allow popup to be draggable or resizable
Advanced Template Toolkit Programming
Multiple Language Support (UTF-8)
Create your surveys in multiple languages
Customize multiple language behavior in each publication
    Set a default language for a publication
    Allow respondent to select language before starting
    Detect respondent's language from browser settings
    Use custom data set column to specify language
    Allow respondent to change language at any time
    Force respondent to restart survey if language changed
Create re-usable language files to customize all text
Language-dependent number formatting
Language-dependent text direction
Language-dependent date formatting
Filter results and responses based on respondent's language
Domain Name Customization
Run surveys under your own domains or subdomains
Send emails from our system under your own address
Scoring and Grading
Add automatic scoring to any survey
Display custom completion messages based on scores
Hide or display questions based on scores
Accept or reject responses based on survey score
Filter results and responses based on respondent's score
Multiple User Accounts
Create multiple subusers within your plan
Subusers receive their own username and password
Set permission levels for each subuser