Cutting Edge Software Co Survey

SurveyView uses Style Sheets, which enables you to customize colors and fonts on the survey form.

On the survey-form, you must select your branch in the listbox on the top of the page, before submitting.


1. Gender?
Male Female

2. Department?
Marketing Sales Customer Support
Production Shipping Human Resources

3. The company cafeteria serves fresh salad.
Importance Rating
1Very unimportant 1Strongly Disagree
2Unimportant 2Disagree
3Neither important nor unimportant 3Neither agree nor disagree
4Important 4Agree
5Very important 5Strongly Agree

4. The cafeteria lunch prices are reasonable.
Importance Rating
1Very unimportant 1Strongly Disagree
2Unimportant 2Disagree
3Neither important nor unimportant 3Neither agree nor disagree
4Important 4Agree
5Very important 5Strongly Agree

5. How satsified are you with the new indoor parking facility?
1 Very Unsatisfied
2 Unsatisfied
3 Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
4 Satisfied
5 Very Satisfied

6. How satsified are you with the new employee benefits?
1 Very Unsatisfied
2 Unsatisfied
3 Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
4 Satisfied
5 Very Satisfied

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