Customer Service and Customer Surveys
Customer Service and Customer Surveys are a very interesting topic and it
is amazing how much you can learn that you may not have even known about
your own business by doing surveys. For instance iRobot makes those little
vacuum cleaners for the house and they are indeed cool little tricky gadgets
and the hottest item in personal tech in a long time.
The corporation iRobot had customer surveys to ask people what they liked,
disliked and what they could do to improve it. Well, some of these surveys
came back with bizarre notations. You see kids were buying them and using
them for parts to make robots from robotic competitions?
On the section; “How do you rate its sucking power?” which the iRobot team
cared very much about people left it blank? Some people said they bought it
to entertain their dog or cat while they were away, others sent back
pictures of their cat riding around on it or a dog toy that they glued to
the top of it.
Well how did the company respond? Just like it should have, it thanked
everyone for their surveys and asked them what they could do better. Now you
can buy a special edition iRobot, which you can take apart and use for
parts. And they have considered painting their vacuums like giant mice for
the cats to chase around. Customer surveys work, if you use them right.
Please consider all this in 2006.
Lance Winslow
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